The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit and finding motivation

Reading Time: 1 min.

Fortunately, many of us already know the options that TED talks offer to curious minds. From introducing ourselves to inspiring characters to give us ideas to improve our day-to-day lives, these forums present to the audience ideas and possibilities that not only entertain but also provide valuable and well-selected information. For example, is the talk The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit, by Christine Carter, a sociologist who shares an easy guide to finding motivation every day.

We know that since the beginning of the pandemic, it has not been easy to find a balance between personal goals, work, and family, and it has probably been difficult for many to resume a routine. If this is your case -or you are simply interested in extra help- this video can be very effective.

In this conversation, Carter begins by sharing her own story under the California restrictions in 2020. Her secret lies in allowing herself to fail sometimes to be the best but rather highlight the importance of small steps in making grand changes. A short but sincere and effective talk that we recommend to help you in your day-to-day life.



unsplash @ justinveenema, cristofer.

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