Take the first step and help save our planet, download PerSus

Reading Time: 2 min.

Topics like climate change sustainability, sustainability, global warming, environmental crisis; seem too much to keep up. Helping the planet is something that we all know is essential for humanity, but where to start? We have reduced the use of plastic, we do not use straws or jokes, and we carry our water; what else can we do?

The answer starts with finding out where you stand and discover what to do to become part of the solution.

Fortunately, some are concerned about the situation on the planet who have found the best way to get everyone involved and become part of a great community, busy doing something for the environment, the creators of PerSus. PerSus is a free downloadable application that invites you to be part of an interactive community to help create habits and promote activities that help the environment.

Attacking the problem of the environmental crisis is everyone’s job and the time to act is now and achieve your sustainability. PerSus allows everyone to measure and connect with their sustainability; because we cannot change what we cannot measure.

PerSus is the app you need to have a more sustainable lifestyle. PerSus’ mission is to equip you with new tools to make personal sustainability possible and fun, regardless of your experience level. If you’re interested in doing a change or have no idea where to start, PerSus makes it easy.

The PerSus app helps you measure your impact and progress towards a more sustainable lifestyle by creating a fun, simple, and social experience.

In the app, all users receive a score between zero and five based on their understanding of personal sustainability.

This Score changes as you complete PerSus challenges, rate brands, and restaurants, and get involved with other users, such as your friends or even celebrities who use the app.

These in-app challenges are a fun way to add new sustainable habits to your lifestyle, like Meatless Monday or swapping your old toothbrush for a bamboo one. Anyone can create challenges and invite other people to participate. Several famous personalities have already joined and created challenges that are waiting for you.

The app helps you because it makes it possible to rate the sustainability of brands and places. The next time you go to a restaurant, count the meatless dishes they offer or the reusable or compostable packaging they use. So you can inform other users about sustainable or perhaps not so sustainable places and motivate companies to make sustainability a priority and be part of the solution to the biggest problem in human history.

Wait no more, download PerSus.



Unsplash @mischievous_penguins / Persus.com

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